These are pictures that I took for a scavenger hunt during Advanced EXCEL for one of my assignments. Like most scavenger hunts, this is a very unique assortment of pictures of random items that our leadership thought would be fun. Hope you enjoy them!
1.) STAPLER ~ This useful tool has been a tremendous help in keeping my AE assignments organized. Hoorah for this invention! :)
2.) REFLECTIONS ~ My brother and two of my friends being reflected in a large window at the Milwaukee Brewers stadium. (We got up to stretch our legs during the game, and I decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to take a "reflections" picture of some people who mean a lot to me.)
3.) LEAP ~ Little Campbell, one of the boys that I babysit for, has no fear of heights. Problem! :) He readily agreed to leap off of the footstool so I could take a picture of him while he was airborne.
4.) FEARS ~ One of my major fears is summed up perfectly in this photo: FAILURE! With God as my sufficiency and strength, I can give all of my fears to Him and trust that He is in control and will not let me down.
5.) COFFEE ~ Starbucks... Opening Bell... Saturdays... friends... All of these words remind me of the fun memories that my AE friends and I made while we were in Dallas, TX. I love you girls!!
6.) TIME ~ Without my watch to tell me what time it is, where would I be? LATE-- that's where!!! "Five minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable!"
7.) SQUIRREL ~ "Hey, they said this was the best diner in town. Where is all of the food? Did someone take a day off or did my larger cousins have a party without me?!?" Lol!
8.) WHITE TRASH ~ Random, I know. Don't ask me where the idea for this subject came from! :) Generally, I don't go around taking pictures of trash, but if it is an assignment, that is a while different story. :)
9.) DATE ~ My cell phone scheduler marks a date that will stand out in my memory for years to come, the day that my AE sisters and I walk the isle for graduation, the culmination of our months of hard work! DMC-- here I come!!
10.) POLICE ~ Never underestimate the effectiveness of a Lego Police officer! He may look small, but his heart is large in proportion. As long as the mission has been accomplished, who cares if he is only an inch and a half tall!?! :)
12.) MAKING A STATEMENT ~ My little brother Levi, making a statement. He is glad to be alive and wants other people to realize the precious value of the human lives that God has created.
13.) A MEMORY ~ My first Brewers game!!! The game itself, as far as the baseball goes, was very boring. Our team lost, big time. The evening, however, was turned into a good memory because I had a terrific time with my friends and family! Thank the Lord for Christian fellowship!!!